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Can I create different accounts for different people?
Can I disable guest mode & make users log into their own account?
How do I Change A User's Password?
How can I view what web-sites have been visited?
How do I temporarily disable site blocking?
How can I tell We-Blocker to automatically update?
How can I add a site to be blocked?
Can I allow other users to see only sites I want to allow?
How can I specify a site that I want to allow access to?
Can I add/remove words to block?
How can I recover a lost password?

Can I create different accounts for different people?
Yes. Click the We-Blocker icon (a ‘We’ by your clock), and select master controls. Enter your password. After logging in as the master user, simply click ‘Add User’ on the Users screen. After you’ve entered a new user name you can set the password for this user and what type of sites they are allowed to view along with setting the word filtering level.

Can I disable guest mode & make users log into their own account?
Yes. Click the We-Blocker icon (a ‘We’ by your clock), and select master controls. Enter your password. After logging in as the master user, you will be presented with the span class=”Emphasis”>Users screen. Down towards the bottom you will see a Force Login box. To the right of ‘Disable Guest Mode’ you will see a box that is marked. Clear this box and anyone trying to use the web will have to log into an account you’ve created for them.

How do I Change A User's Password?
Click the We-Blocker icon (a ‘We’ by your clock), and select master controls. Enter your password. After logging in as the master user, you will be presented with the Users screen. Select the user for which you want to change the password. Click Edit User. Enter the new password into the field under ‘Password’ and then type it again to confirm the password change.  Return to top.

How can I view what web-sites have been visited?
Click the We-Blocker icon (a ‘We’ by your clock), and select master controls. Enter your password. In Master Controls, at the top, you will see different tabs. Click the Activity Log tab. Here you will find table with five fields. This will tell you which user visited the web site, the URL of the web site, the date and time the site was visited, whether it was blocked and if it contained blocked words.  Return to top.

How do I temporarily disable site blocking?
Click the We-Blocker icon (a ‘We’ by your clock), and select master controls. Enter your password. In Master Controls, at the top, you will see different tabs. Click the System Settings tab. Down a bit and to the left you will see a box labeled Bypass with an entry of Temporarily Disable Site Blocking. Clear the box next to this to disable site blocking. The next time you reboot site blocking will be activated so if you wish to block sites before you reboot, remember to turn it back on by repeating these steps, and clicking the box to place a checkmark in the Temporarily Disable Site Blocking box.  Return to top.

How can I tell We-Blocker to automatically update?
Click the We-Blocker icon (a ‘We’ by your clock), and select master controls. Enter your password. In Master Controls, at the top, you will see different tabs. Click the System Settings tab. Down a bit and to the left you will see a box labeled Ask with an entry of Update Without Asking First. Clear the box next to this so We-Blocker will update without asking. If you wish to stop We-Blocker from automatically updating in the future, simply repeat these steps and place a checkmark in the box for Update Without Asking First.  Return to top.

How can I add a site to be blocked?
There are two ways you can block a site. One is globally (meaning you submit it to us for review, and we decide if that site should be blocked for everyone). The other way is to block a site on your computer alone. This is much faster as you do not have to wait for us to review the site before it is blocked.

For either way the procedure to begin site blocking is the same. Click the We-Blocker icon (a ‘We’ by your clock), and select master controls. Enter your password. In Master Controls, at the top, you will see different tabs. Click the Custom Filtering tab. A little bit down you will see various tabs. The first tab is My Blocked Sites. This is the screen we want.

To enter a site that will be blocked on your computer alone enter the URL in the text box immediately under Blocked Sites (User Defined). Double-click the text box immediately under Blocked because and select the reason you’re blocking this site from the pop-up menu that appears.

To request that a site is blocked for everyone enter the URL of the site in the text box found at the bottom of the tab window next to the button Add This Site. Click the button Add This Site after you’ve entered the URL. You will be taken to the page on our web site for blocking a web site. Fill out the necessary information, and submit the information to us. We review sites that have been submitted every week. If the site you submitted is found to render blocking, it will be included in our database as a blocked site for everyone.  Return to top.

Can I allow other users to see only sites I want to allow?
Yes. Click the We-Blocker icon (a ‘We’ by your clock), and select master controls. Enter your password. Select the user you want to strictly control by clicking on the user name. Click Edit User. On the next pop-up screen, down at the bottom, you will see a box labeled Use “Allowed Sites”. In the box will be a line labeled This user can ONLY view sites found in “Allowed Sites” list. Click the box next to this line to restrict the user to viewing only the sites you specify.  Return to top.

How can I specify a site that I want to allow access to?
Click the We-Blocker icon (a ‘We’ by your clock), and select master controls. Enter your password. In Master Controls, at the top, you will see different tabs. Click the Custom Filtering tab. A little bit down you will see various tabs. The second tab is My Allowed Sites. Click on this. Underneath the tab you just clicked on is table with one field. The field is labeled Allowed Sites (User defined) . Beneath this, towards the bottom of the screen, you will see a button labeled Allow this site >>. Enter the URL of the web site you want to allow, and click the button Allow this site >>. The site will be available for viewing.  Return to top.

Can I add/remove words to block?
Yes. Click the We-Blocker icon (a ‘We’ by your clock), and select master controls. Enter your password. In Master Controls, at the top, you will see different tabs. Click the Custom Filtering tab. A little bit down you will see various tabs. The third tab is Blocked Words. Click on this. Underneath the tab you just clicked on is table with three fields (Words, Type of Word, Chance Word Is Bad). Beneath this, towards the bottom of the screen, you will see a button labeled Add this word >>. Enter the word you want to block, and click the button Add this word >>. A pop-up window will appear. Here you can enter the type of site that may contain this word. For instance, sight containing the “F” word would rate as having a good chance of being bad so you would select the top choice. Over to the right you can select the category this word falls under. Click Save when you are done. You can also remove words from the blocked list by selecting the entry you want to delete, and clicking the Delete button.  Return to top.

How can I recover a lost password?
If you’ve forgotten your password and cannot remember the answer to your secret question, you will have to call Technical Support at 1-877-STOP WEB Monday through Friday between the hours of 8 AM and 5 PM PST. There is a $10.00 charge for password recovery that is payable with Visa, American Express, MasterCard or Discovery.  Return to top.


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