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Tech Support

Please review our FAQs (found in this section) and Tips and Tricks before calling technical support.  The solution to your problem will most likely be found there, and you will bypass tech support charges.

There are three categories under which a tech support call will fall.  The types of categories and the corresponding billing are listed below:

  1. Password Recovery
    If you've lost your password and cannot remember your password the only alternative is to call tech support.  A charge of $10.00 will be made.  We do not house your password at our facility.  It is encrypted on your machine, and must be decrypted.  This process will take approximately ten minutes, so allow for that time.  You must be at the machine that has We-Blocker installed on it in order for password recovery to be possible.  There is a fee of $10.00 for password recovery.
  2. Manual Uninstall
    If you or another user has deleted or changed files necessary for We-Blocker to run properly, we suggest you re-install We-Blocker to replace missing or damaged files.  Should this prove unsuccessful, please call tech support for assistance.  A manual uninstall requires approximately 15 to 30 minutes, so please allocate this time.  There is a charge of $20.00 for this procedure.
  3. General Issues
    A general issue for which you need assistance is basically anything that could not be addressed via our FAQs or Tips and Tricks areas, and is not an issue that is determined to be due a system or program malfunctin (i.e., user is responsible).  Because the problem is not known beforehand and therefore, neither is the amount of time it will require, there is a $20.00 charge for every 15 minutes that expire.
We can be contacted at 1-877 STOP WEB (1-877-786-7932) Monday through Friday between the hours of 8 AM and 5 PM PST regarding technical support issues.

If you have difficulty contacting us by phone, you may reach us via e-mail at [email protected].


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Tech Support Info

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