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10/22/2003 -- Requirements gathering has completed, and the latest upgrade of We-Blocker is now underway.  We are aniticipating the newest version being complete by the end of 2003.  Initially we had planned to release the new version in April, 2003 but the release date has been pushed back due to some unforeseen developmental issues.  Please be patient as we apologize for the delay!

Many improvements and changes will be included in this version, and address these areas of the program:

  1. Operational Speed
    The pages that are called via your web-browser in order to facilitate filtering will be stored locally rather than having to be requested over the web.
  2. User Friendliness
    Many aspects of the way you interface with We-Blocker will be addressed making it easier to access master controls and customize the program so it works better for you.
  3. Better Instructions
    Our help files are being rewritten, along with the help files on this web site, that will make it easier for you to get started using our software, and assist you in better understanding how We-Blocker functions.

XP Work-Around Discovered

XP Compatibility Issues

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